Five things most people forget about when estate planning

There's nothing fun about doing laundry, buying insurance, going in for a check-up, or …. estate planning, but alas, these are all things we need to do. If your life is anything like mine, then you're probably doing a million things, and so it's easy to forget things, from time to time, including estate planning! Whether you're navigating estate planning as a new parent, young professional, seasoned tamale, or whatever stage of life you may be in, with a million and one things going on, we are here to help make sure you don't forget things when it comes to your estate plan. Here are five things most people forget about when it comes to estate planning.

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10 Things to ask yourself before estate planning

Estate Planning. UGHHHH. Are we right or is that how you’re feeling thinking about it? Estate planning is one of those things that no one LIKES to talk about, but everyone SHOULD be talking about. It’s difficult to talk about because it means talking about our own death, while we’re still alive. The reality is, we are all going to die. *GASP* I know, it’s mind blowing, but that’s the cold hard truth. Ready to take the first step towards planning for life after you’re gone? Here are 10 things to ask yourself before you start estate planning.

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Do I need estate planning if I’m married?

Oftentimes people assume that if they’re married they don’t need an estate plan because everything will go to their spouse. The reality of it is, if you ask an attorney an open-ended question like “Do I need an estate plan if I'm married?”, you’ll likely get an open ended answer. The truth is, it depends. Whether or not you and your spouse need an estate plan depends on a lot of variables.

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5 Reasons New Parents Need an Estate Plan

You just had your first kid and there are probably a million and one things you’re thinking about right now, when your brain has had enough sleep to think anyway. We’re pretty sure that Estate Planning is not one of them, but it should be. There are a ton of reasons that you should be thinking about estate planning right now, but we know you’re tired, so we’ll just give you our top 5.

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