Do I need estate planning if I’m married?

Oftentimes people assume that if they’re married they don’t need an estate plan because everything will go to their spouse. The reality of it is, if you ask an attorney an open-ended question like “Do I need an estate plan if I'm married?”, you’ll likely get an open ended answer. The truth is, it depends. Whether or not you and your spouse need an estate plan depends on a lot of variables.

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5 Reasons New Parents Need an Estate Plan

You just had your first kid and there are probably a million and one things you’re thinking about right now, when your brain has had enough sleep to think anyway. We’re pretty sure that Estate Planning is not one of them, but it should be. There are a ton of reasons that you should be thinking about estate planning right now, but we know you’re tired, so we’ll just give you our top 5.

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Do I need an LLC or a partnership for my business?

When starting a business, the start of it can feel overwhelming! Not the fun part, we all love that part - the part where you get to be creative, inspiring, and follow your dreams - but the actual start of the business, where you need structure, THAT, that can be overwhelming, and more so, it requires a lot of thoughtful and strategic decision making. One of the questions I get asked frequently is, do I need an LLC or a partnership for my business? Are you wondering about that? Let's dive more into it.

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